1-6月四川商务热词Buzzwords about Sichuan Commerce (H1 2020)

综合(General Works):

应急保供 Emergency Supplies

疫情防控系列工作 Epidemic Prevention and Control

新冠肺炎疫情工作 COVID-19 Prevention and Control

安全生产 Safety in Production

商务为民 People-Oriented Commerce

互联网+商务服务 Internet-Powered Commercial Services

商贸流通领域安全工作 Trade Business Security

厅长进大厅 Department Director in Administrative Service Hall

放管服 Streamline the Government, Delegate Power, and Improve Government Services

一网通办 All-in-One Website Handling

一窗式受理 All-in-One Counter Processing

一促两稳 Stimulate Consumption and Stabilize Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment

一干多支、五区协同 One Mainstay, Multiple Support, Synergic Development in Five Districts

四向拓展、全域开放 Four-Way Expansion, Region-Wide Opening-Up

复工复产“网+”七模式 Seven Internet-Powered Innovation Models for Work and Production Resumption

内贸(Domestic Trade ):

直播带货 Influencer Marketing

云上广交会 Cloud-Based Canton Fair

四川老字号 Sichuan Time-Honored Brand

成渝地区双城经济圈 Chengdu-Chongqing Twin-Cities Economic Circle

四川扶贫公益商标标识 Public Welfare Logo "Sichuan Poverty Alleviation"

云招商Cloud-Based Investment Attraction

步行街打造 Building of Pedestrian Streets

西部商贸物流 Trade and Logistics in Western China

菜篮子 Vegetable Basket

米袋子 Rice Bag

网红经济 Internet Celebrity Economy

社交电商Social E-Commerce

无接触式配送 Contactless Delivery

电子商务流动菜市 Mobile Food Market

消费扶贫行动 Action to Boost the Consumption of Products from Poor Areas

服务贸易创新发展试点 Trade in Service Innovative Development Pilot Project

农业“10+3The "10 + 3" modern agriculture system

工业“5+1 The "5+1" modern industry system

六稳Stability in Employment, Financial Operations, Foreign Trade, Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment, and Expectations

六保 Security in Employment, Basic Living, Operations of Market Entities, Food and Energy Security, Industrial and Supply Chains, and Function of Primary-Level Governments

两不愁三保障 Ensure Poor Rural People Are Free from Worries over Food and Clothing and Have Access to Compulsory Education, Basic Medical Services and Safe Housing

三品一标 Pollution-Free Agricultural Products, Green Food, Organic Agricultural Products and Geographical Indications (GI) of Agricultural Products

惠民购车暨汽车下乡活动 Subsidized Car Purchase&Car Sales Promotion in Rural Areas

服务业“4+6”现代化产业体系 The "4+6" modern service industry system

四川省服务业发展大会 Sichuan Service Industry Development Conference

24届中国(四川)新春年货购物节 The 24th China (Sichuan) Chinese New Year Shopping Festival

外贸(Foreign Trade ):

中美经贸摩擦 China-US Trade Frictions

招商路演 Investment Attraction Roadshow

“一单制”改革 "One Cargo Manifest" Reform

中欧班列 China Railway Express

自贸通Free Trade Service

陆海新通道 New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC)

青白江国际铁路港综合保税区 Chengdu International Railway Port Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Qingbaijiang)

川企川货“走出去” Sichuan Enterprises and Products "Go Global"

外贸转型升级基地 Base for the Transformation and Upgrading of Foreign Trade

四川省对外法治示范区试点 Sichuan Rule-of-Law Pilot Opening-up Zone

国家文化出口基地 National Base for the Export of Culture

自由进出口技术合同登记 Registration of Contracts for the Free Import and Export of Technology

第三届中国国际进口博览会 The Third China International Import Expo (CIIE)

稳外贸稳外资春融行动四川发布会 Sichuan Press Conference on the Chunrong Move to Stabilize Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment