On December 4, having completed all the scheduled agenda, the Standing Committee of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress successfully concluded its 16th session. Wang Xiaohui, Secretary of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Chairman of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, attended the closing meeting and delivered a speech.
Eighty-five members of the Standing Committee attended the meeting, and the attendance conformed to the quorum requirement.
At the meeting, attendees voted to adopt the following regulations and decisions: Management Regulations of Sichuan Province on the Construction of High-standard Cropland, Several Provisions of Sichuan Province on the Safe Evacuation of Personnel for Disaster Prevention and Risk Aversion, Decision of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress on Amending the Regulations of Sichuan Province on Environmental and Ecological Protection of the Jialing River Basin, and Decision of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress on Amending and Abolishing Some Local Regulations. The attendees voted to adopt the decisions of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress on granting approval to the following regulatory documents: Property Management Regulations of Deyang City, Regulations of Neijiang City on the Management of Farm Produce Markets in Urban Areas, Regulations of Nanchong City on Household Waste Management, Regulations of Guang'an City on the Protection and Inheritance of Red Resources, Property Management Regulations of Dazhou City, Decision of the Standing Committee of the Dazhou Municipal People's Congress on Amending the Regulations of Dazhou City on the Protection and Utilization of Traditional Villages, Decision of the Standing Committee of the Dazhou Municipal People's Congress on Amending the Regulations of Dazhou City on the Protection and Management of Centralized Drinking Water Sources, Decision of the Standing Committee of the Ya'an Municipal People's Congress on Amending the Legislation Regulations of Ya'an Municipal People's Congress and Its Standing Committee, Regulations of Ya'an City on the Protection of Mengding Mountain Tea Culture, and Regulations of Meishan City on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution.
They also voted to approve the following decisions: Decision of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress on Convening the Fourth Session of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, Decision on Submitting the Agenda (Draft) for the Fourth Session of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress for Approval at the Preliminary Meeting of the Fourth Session, and Resolution on Approving the Adjustment Plan for Sichuan Province's 2024 Provincial Budget. Attendees voted to approve the reports on the review results of the deputies' motions delivered for review by the second session's presidium of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress. These reports were presented by the Supervisory and Judicial Affairs Committee, the Economic Affairs Committee, the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, the Urban and Rural Construction, Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee, and the Social Affairs Committee of the provincial people's congress. Attendees also voted to approve the Report from the Credentials Committee of the Standing Committee of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress Pertaining to Its Review of Certain Deputies' Qualifications and related bills for appointments and removals.
The meeting conducted a satisfaction assessment on the efforts of the following departments and commissions in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the urban-rural integrated development: the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Economy and Information Technology, the Department of Education, the Department of Finance, the Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Ecology and Environment, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Transport, the Department of Water Resources, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Health Commission, and the Provincial Local Financial Regulatory Administration. The meeting also conducted a satisfaction assessment on the reports from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Provincial Radio and Television Administration, the Provincial Bureau of Prison Administration, the Provincial Cultural Heritage Administration, and the Sichuan Association for Science and Technology, regarding their rectification of issues identified in the 2023 audit. All the units assessed passed the evaluation.
The meeting conducted a ceremony for the issuance of appointment letters and the Constitution oath-taking event. Wang Xiaohui, on behalf of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, handed out the appointment letters.
After completing all the agenda items, Wang Xiaohui delivered a speech. He pointed out that since the beginning of this year, in the face of difficult and complex situations and multiple challenges, the provincial Party committee has fully implemented the decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee and the guiding principles from the series of important instructions issued by General Secretary Xi Jinping on Sichuan's work, continued to advance the deep and substantive development of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, thoroughly implemented the development strategy of "synchronized development of new urbanization, industrialization, informatization, and agricultural modernization, urban-rural integration and common prosperity of five zones", go all out to boost economic growth and promote construction projects, developed new quality productive forces in line with local conditions, unswervingly promoted the high-quality development, and made solid strides towards building Sichuan into a modern socialist province in all respects. Through these efforts, the province has generally sustained the recovery and positive trend in its economy, ensured that the people live and work in peace and contentment, and maintained overall harmony and stability within society. Over the past year, the Sichuan Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee have diligently implemented Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on upholding and improving the system of people's congresses, faithfully performed the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws, and achieved new accomplishments in work related to legislation, oversight, deputies, and self-construction. These efforts have actively contributed to promoting high-quality economic and social development across the province.
Wang Xiaohui pointed out that as the year-end approaches, we have entered the final sprint phase in delivering work on all fronts and in all areas. The entire province must act with a sense of urgency and practical responsibility. The Provincial People's Congress and its Standing Committee should also fully leverage their strengths and actively fulfill their duties, ensuring that the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee are effectively and faithfully implemented. They should effectively implement the reform tasks of the people's congresses, firmly grasp the significant approach to upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, place more emphasis on the unity between reform and the rule of law, identify the entry points and focal areas for reform by aligning with the actual conditions of the people's congresses, deepen legislative reforms, actively expand supervisory methods and tools, and better practice and develop whole-process people's democracy, and strive to introduce measures and improve mechanisms through a reform-oriented approach, thereby more effectively promoting the high-quality development of Sichuan's work relating to people's congresses. Efforts should be made to ensure the completion of all tasks at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year with high quality and quantity, continuously support work in sci-tech innovation, rural revitalization, livelihood security, workplace safety, and social stability, actively employ the thinking and methods of the rule of law to protect rights and interests, defuse conflicts, prevent and control risks, maintain stability, and promote development, and plan and identify the work strategies and key tasks for the coming year as early as possible. Efforts should be made to ensure the successful organization of the fourth session of the 14th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, maintain a sound and positive atmosphere throughout the session, and guarantee its fruitful conclusion.
Wang Yanfei, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, presided over the closing meeting. Vice Chairpersons Luo Qiang, Zhu Chunxiu, Peng Lin, Song Chaohua, Wang Fei, Liu Ping, He Yanzheng, He Li, and Secretary-General Jia Ruiyun attended the meeting. Vice Governor Li Wenqing, President of the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province Wang Shujiang, Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Sichuan Province Wang Lin, and leading officials from Sichuan Provincial Commission of Supervision; Deputy Secretaries-General of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial People's Congress, members of the Party Leading Group of the organ, heads and members of various special committees, and heads of the working and administrative bodies of the Standing Committee; Chairpersons of the standing committees of municipal and prefectural people's congresses, who are not members of the Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee; leading officials from relevant provincial departments; relevant Secretaries-General of the CPPCC Sichuan Provincial Committee; and some deputies to the National People's Congress or the Provincial People's Congress, as well as heads of county, township (town, sub-district) people's congresses, were present at the meeting in a non-voting capacity.